Subject index, 2009A Fatal home and leisure accidents, Reunion Island, France, 2000-2004 Socio-demographic and economic factors associated with tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use among college students during the first year of university in south-eastern France Special issue - Women and addiction Human biomonitoring in Cyprus: Cotinine in children – the impact of smoking, 2004-2008 Characteristics of outpatients admitted in the French cannabis clinics setting for an addiction problem, 2005-2007 Screening and treatment of hepatitis C in drug users through a network of medical microstructures in Alsace, France, 2006-2007 Alcoholism in French Polynesia ANTIBIOTICS / ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS Prevalence and characteristics of patients treated by antifungal agents in healthcare facilities, France, 2006 Prevalence study of Staphylococcus aureus antimicrobial susceptibility in French Polynesia, 2006-2008 Emergency department visits for asthma in the Paris area, France, 2006-2007 C Special issue - Organized screening for colorectal cancer in France Incidence of cancers near municipal solid waste incinerators, France, 1990-1999 Health studies conducted in the vicinity of a municipal solid waste incinerator, Gilly-sur-Isère, France Dioxins emitted from the municipal solid waste incinerator of Besançon and risk for cancers: an eco-epidemiological approach in France Human papillomavirus (HPV) genotype distribution in cervical lesions in France: EDiTH studies Study on cancer incidence in the archipelago of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon between 1998 and 2006: taking advantage from the island context Trends in cancer incidence and mortality in France and projection for the current year: estimation methods and production schedules Trends in the number and risk of death from cancer in metropolitan France from 1975-1999: local inequalities Hivern@le - KhiObs Observatory: surveillance of acute ears, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases in children during winter in France Regional Observatory of School Epidemiology: schoolchildren health in Upper-Normandy – school year 2006/2007 Gender and social characteristics of drug users during adolescence, France, 2000-2005 BCG vaccination coverage and epidemiology of tuberculosis in children: where do we stand one year after suspending mandatory immunization, in France? Surveillance of haemolytic uremic syndrome in children aged 15 years and under in France, 1996-2007 Social and economic characteristics associated with fruit and vegetable consumption in 3-to-17-year-old children in metropolitan France, ENNS 2006-2007 Evolution of maternal measles neutralizing serum antibodies in infants in France in 2006 Experiment of a health prevention interview in young teenagers in the Aisne, Gironde and Yvelines French districts, 2006-2007 academic year Human biomonitoring in Cyprus : Cotinine in children – the impact of smoking, 2004-2008 Characteristics of outpatients admitted in the French cannabis clinics setting for an addiction problem, 2005-2007 Prevalence study of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and clinico-biological factors involved in a group of adolescent school, family and/or social dropouts, 2006-2007 Actual age of MMR vaccination in France in 2007 Nosocomial influenza in the paediatric services at Édouard Herriot University Hospital, Lyons, France, winters 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 Surveillance and evaluation of perinatal health in the Île-de-France region using the first health certificate
CIGUATERA CROSS INFECTIONS Human cryptosporidiosis in France in 2006-2007: data from the ANOFEL Cryptosporidium Network N°01 D Study on the seroprevalence of dengue fever among pregnant women in French Guiana, 2006 Epidemiology of dengue and control strategies in French Polynesia from 2006 to 2008 Box - Outbreak of dengue serotype 4 in French Polynesia in 2009 A risk score for predicting diabetes in France: the D.E.S.I.R. prospective study Health related quality of life reference values (DHP) in people with diabetes living in France - ENTRED study, 2001-2003 Special issue - The ENTRED studies: epidemiological tools to better understand and evaluate diabetes E Influenza outbreaks in two retirement homes in the Bouches-du-Rhône district, France, March-April 2008 National Nosocomial Infection Prevalence Survey. Results for 65 years old patients and above, France, 2006 Prevalence of infections in French Nursing Homes: analysis by region, PRIAM survey, France, 2006-2007 Evaluation of prevention and management of acute respiratory infections in Nursing Homes for elderly, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, 2005-2008 Observatoire Hivern@le - KhiObs : surveillance épidémiologique des pathologies hivernales de la sphère ORL chez l’enfant en France
Short term links between mortality and hospitalisations, and air pollution levels in nine French cities Special issue - Health effects of solid waste incineration in France BEH Special edition - Human biomonitoring and environmental health Special issue - Better understanding of environmental surveillance Special issue - Alert and environmental health: getting things organized FAssessment of the prevalence of lymphatic filariasis in French Polynesia in 2008 Cluster of Salmonella enterica serotype Putten cases. North-Western France, July-August 2008 HHEMORRHAGIC FEVER WITH RENAL SYNDROME Surveillance of haemolytic uremic syndrome in children aged 15 years and under in France, 1996-2007 Excess maternal mortality among foreign women in France and quality of obstetric care: a national study 1996-2001 Gender and social characteristics of drug users during adolescence, France, 2000-2005 Health care of vulnerable populations infected with TB and HIV Surveillance of mortality in France during the 2008-2009 winter: preliminary data Inequalities in oral health in the adult population of the Paris Ile-de-France area, 2002-2003 Social and economic characteristics associated with fruit and vegetable consumption in 3-to-17-year-old children in metropolitan France, ENNS 2006-2007 Premature mortality analysis in the construction industry Trends in the number and risk of death from cancer in metropolitan France from 1975-1999: local inequalities HEMORRHAGIC FEVER WITH RENAL SYNDROME Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in France from 2002 to 2007: data from the Medicalised Information System Programme and the National Reference Centre Women drug users and practices at risk of transmission of HIV and hepatitis. Complementary epidemiological and socio-anthropological approaches, Coquelicot Survey 2004-2007, France Nosocomial transmission of hepatitis B from an infected healthcare worker to a patient, France, 2005 Special issue - Surveillance and prevention of hepatitis B and C in France: assessment and prospects Hepatitis E in France: surveillance data for human cases, 2006-2008 Screening and treatment of hepatitis C in drug users through a network of medical microstructures in Alsace, France, 2006-2007 Women drug users and practices at risk of transmission of HIV and hepatitis. Complementary epidemiological and socio-anthropological approaches, Coquelicot Survey 2004-2007, France Frequency and risk factors for tuberculosis as an AIDS-defining illness, in France Health care of vulnerable populations infected with TB and HIV I Mecca pilgrims seen at the International Vaccination Centre of Strasbourg, France: immunization coverage against diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and influenza French public response to the pandemic threat: An exploratory study Influenza outbreaks in two retirement homes in the Bouches-du-Rhône district, France, March-April 2008 Surveillance of seasonal influenza in French military forces from 2004 to 2008: Military Influenza Surveillance Network (Smog) Nosocomial influenza in the paediatric services at Édouard Herriot University Hospital, Lyons, France, winters 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 L Cases of Legionnaires’ disease in France in 2008 The leprosy endemic in Guadeloupe from 1999 to 2007 Epidemiology of leptospirosis in French Polynesia from 2006 to 2008 M Editorial - New releases and... measles! Evolution of maternal measles neutralizing serum antibodies in infants in France in 2006 Special Issue - Data on a measles outbreak in France and in Europe in 2008 Invasive meningococcal disease in France, 2008 Special issue - Mental health and work: understanding for monitoring Psychiatric disorders among first year university students: 12-month prevalence, impairment and help-seeking in PACA region, France Short term links between mortality and hospitalisations, and air pollution levels in nine French cities Excess maternal mortality among foreign women in France and quality of obstetric care: a national study 1996-2001 Surveillance of mortality in France during the 2008-2009 winter: preliminary data Premature mortality analysis in the construction industry Trends in the number and risk of death from cancer in metropolitan France from 1975-1999: local inequalities Trends in cancer incidence and mortality in France and projection for the current year: estimation methods and production schedules Mortality and causes of death among a cohort of diabetic adults in metropolitan France - the 2001 ENTRED Survey Mortality among active French Armed Forces, 2002-2007 Fatal home and leisure accidents, Reunion Island, France, 2000-2004 N Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections in a home-care setting in 2007, France Continuous surgical site infection surveillance (SSIS) at the Limoges University Hospital, France, from 2002 to 2007: method and results Special issue - Infections transmitted from healthcare workers-to-patients Prevalence of infections in French Nursing Homes: analysis by region, PRIAM survey, France, 2006-2007 National Nosocomial Infection Prevalence Survey. Results for 65 years old patients and above, France, 2006 Prevalence and characteristics of patients treated by antifungal agents in healthcare facilities, France, 2006 Nosocomial influenza in the paediatric services at Édouard Herriot University Hospital, Lyons, France, winters 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 Investigation of a measles outbreak with nosocomial transmission in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and in the Principality of Monaco, March-May 2008. What are the lessons learned? Comparative analysis of 1996 and 2006 prevalence studies of nosocomial infections in French military hospitals: impact of the end of the military service Prevalence study of Staphylococcus aureus antimicrobial susceptibility in French Polynesia, 2006-2008 Social and economic characteristics associated with fruit and vegetable consumption in 3-to-17-year-old children in metropolitan France, ENNS 2006-2007 Food habits and corpulence in French Polynesia O Food habits and corpulence in French Polynesia Emergence of Rift Valley fever in Mayotte, 2007-2008 The leprosy endemic in Guadeloupe from 1999 to 2007 Study on the seroprevalence of dengue fever among pregnant women in French Guiana, 2006 Study on cancer incidence in the archipelago of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon between 1998 and 2006: taking advantage from the island Fatal home and leisure accidents, Reunion Island, France, 2000-2004 Special issue - French Polynesia: a special epidemiological situation P What women say about alcohol abstinence during pregnancy in France Feasibility of foetal alcohol syndrome surveillance, France, 2006-2008 Urinary biomarkers for pesticide exposure in pregnant women of the Pelagie cohort study conducted in Brittany, France (2002-2006) Surveillance and evaluation of perinatal health in the Île-de-France region using the first health certificate PERTUSSIS PREVENTABLE VACCINE DISEASES RREGULATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Vaccination schedule and recommendations from the "Haut conseil de la santé publique" in France Recommendations for travellers: what’s up in 2009? Evaluation of prevention and management of acute respiratory infections in nursing homes for elderly, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, 2005-2008 Emergence of Rift Valley fever in Mayotte, 2007-2008 SSEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (Except HIV) Human papillomavirus (HPV) genotype distribution in cervical lesions in France: EDiTH studies Prevalence study of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and clinico-biological factors involved in a group of adolescent school, family and/or social dropouts, 2006-2007 SMOKING SURVEILLANCE (methods and systems) BEH Special edition - Human biomonitoring and environmental health Special issue - Better understanding of environmental surveillance Requests and alerts in environmental health: response organization in France in 2009 Box - Response preparation to industrial accidents and natural disasters (PERAIC) Requests in environmental health: role of toxicovigilance AFSSET’s organization to respond to expertise requests in environmental health: example of the quality of air in underground parking garages T Mecca pilgrims seen at the International Vaccination Centre of Strasbourg, France: immunization coverage against diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and influenza Incidence assessment of benign thyroid diseases in the SU.VI.MAX study, 1994-2002 Requests in environmental health: role of toxicovigilance Health recommendations for travellers 2009 (for health professionals) Special issue - Tuberculosis update Contact tracing for tuberculosis in healthcare settings, France, 2004-2007 Tuberculosis in French Polynesia, 2000-2008 VVACCINATION (and preventable vaccine diseases) BCG vaccination coverage and epidemiology of tuberculosis in children: where do we stand one year after suspending mandatory immunization, in France? Mecca pilgrims seen at the International Vaccination Centre of Strasbourg, France: immunization coverage against diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and influenza Vaccination schedule and recommendations from the "Haut conseil de la santé publique" in France Study on the risk perception of viral hepatitis B and its vaccine prevention among people consulting in a free and anonymous screening centre (CDAG), 2007, Paris, France Evolution of maternal measles neutralizing serum antibodies in infants in France in 2006 Health recommendations for travellers 2009 (for health professionals) Actual age of MMR vaccination in France in 2007 Special issue - Data on a measles outbreak in France and in Europe in 2008 W Special issue - Mental health and work: understanding for monitoring Premature mortality analysis in the construction industry |