// France is acting in the fight against viral hepatitis
// Acceptability and feasibility of home self-sampling for HIV,
HBV and HCV testing in the general population in France in 2016:
BaroTest study
// Estimation of the number of acute hepatitis B diagnoses and exhaustivity of mandatory notification in France in 2016, LaboHep 2016 survey
// HCV and HBV prevalence based on home blood self-sampling based, and screening history in the general population: contribution
to the new French screening strategy, 2016 Barometer of Santé publique
// Surveillance of acute hepatitis B through mandatory notification, France, 2003-2018
// Direct-acting antivirals in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C:
overview of 4 years of coverage by the French Health
(January 2014-December 2017)