// A global vision of occupational exposures for a better prevention strategy
// Working conditions: Decreased autonomy in a less tense occupational environment. Working Conditions and Psychosocial Risks Survey 2016
// Trends of occupational exposure to oxygenated, petroleum and chlorinated solvents in France between 1999 and 2013. Results from the Matgéné Programme
// Occupational exposure to respiratory carcinogenic agents among salaried workers in 2010
// Exposure and emerging occupational risk situations: the contribution of the National Network for the Vigilance and Prevention of Occupational Diseases (RNV3P)
// Occupational exposures assessment of workers: tools and methods
// Work organization and psychosocial factors associated with occupational postural constraints in France. Results based on the SUMER Survey 2010
// Occupational exposure of winegrowers to arsenical pesticides: Exposure prevalence between 1979 and 2000
// Healthcare workers and cytotoxic drugs. The place of biometrology in risk management over time